Water purification industry information

Is The Air Purifier Really Useful?

Views : 62052
Update time : 2021-08-14 11:26:20
It works. For example, air purifiers with H12 and H13 HEPA filters can achieve 99.5% and 99.97% filtration efficiency for particles less than or equal to 0.3 microns. This filtration level must be higher than that of N95 masks, because N95 masks are greater than or equal to 0.3 The filtration efficiency of micron particles is 95%.
Air is indispensable in our lives. Our daily cooking, home improvement, and bedding will pollute our indoor air. Although opening windows for ventilation is simple and convenient, it is far from enough to handle. If we can purify indoor air with an air purifier, we can get twice the result with half the effort.
Air purifiers are widely used, and can be seen in the home, medical, industrial and other fields. The single-type household air purifier is the mainstream product in the household field. The most important function is to remove particulate matter in the air, including allergens, indoor PM2.5, etc., and at the same time, it can also solve VOC air pollution caused by indoor, underground space, vehicle decoration and other reasons. Because the release of air pollutants in a relatively closed space has the characteristics of continuity and uncertainty, the use of air purifiers to purify indoor air is one of the internationally recognized methods to improve indoor air quality.
What is the function of an air purifier?
1. Purify the polluted air
PM2.5 particles in the air have a large specific surface area, strong activity, and easily adsorb toxic and harmful substances. They can enter the human body through breathing and are adsorbed in the walls of blood vessels and alveoli, causing diseases and harming human health. In the high pollen period, sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion and other symptoms are all symptoms of pollen allergy, but the symptoms are generally not obvious, so many people don't care about pollen. In addition, house dust mites and dust mites in dust mites can also cause allergic diseases. For large-particle pollutants such as PM2.5, pollen, and mites, the purification effect of air purifiers is more significant.
2. Purify decoration pollution such as formaldehyde
Due to the "unqualified" decoration materials, formaldehyde is the main culprit of indoor pollution, and it is also a pollution problem unique to Chinese households. Formaldehyde raw materials will adhere to the wardrobe, floor, and paint, and it is a long-term volatilization process. At the same time, harmful pollutants such as formaldehyde and benzene are also high pollution sources. "Acute leukemia" is often caused by newly renovated families. Gas pollutants such as formaldehyde have the characteristics of long time and great harm.
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