Water purification industry information

Is it worth getting an air purifier?

Views : 64096
Update time : 2021-08-16 14:47:54
At present, the environment is seriously polluted and the air quality is poor. The main thing is dust. We just leave home for three to five days, and when we return home, we will find that a lot of dust has accumulated everywhere. We also inhale tiny amounts of dust throughout the day, but we are not aware of it.

Most families will choose to raise some green dill, spider plant, cactus, etc. Plants generally inhale carbon dioxide and then release oxygen. In fact, it does not have much effect on some harmful substances in the air.

There are many kinds of air purifiers on the market now, and we can be sure that some air purifiers do have the effect of removing formaldehyde.

We must understand that the existence of formaldehyde is not temporary, but is slowly accumulated through the long-term decoration process or newly purchased furniture. The formaldehyde from various carriers is constantly flowing, and it is difficult to quickly and effectively remove formaldehyde. Below I will take you to analyze the functions and some advantages and disadvantages of some air purifiers.

First of all, the role of air purifiers is mainly home appliances that can absorb, decompose or transform various air pollutants and improve air cleanliness. The air purifiers on the market mainly use two methods to remove formaldehyde. One is the filter to remove formaldehyde. The principle is to rely on its own developed pore structure and surface area, and to a large extent contact the surrounding air, passively absorb formaldehyde to its own. In the gap, but this kind of filter needs to be replaced frequently.

There is also a negative ion air purifier. When electrons are inserted, additional high-voltage needles are used to form molecules. When charged particles come into contact with solids such as walls, windows, clothes, etc., they can effectively adsorb the toxic substances contained in them. At the same time, it can also absorb dust in the air well, and has a good effect of sterilization and deodorization.

Air purifier composition: composed of motors, fans, air filters and other systems

The working principle is mainly: the motor and fan in the machine make the indoor air circulate, and the polluted air passes through the air filter inside the machine to remove or adsorb various pollutants, continuously ionize the air, and generate a large number of negative ions, which are sent out by the micro fan. , The formation of negative ion airflow, to achieve the purpose of cleaning and purifying the air.

The shape and composition of the air purifier: mainly the case shell, filter section, air duct design, motor, power supply, LCD screen, etc. The life is determined by the motor, and the purification efficiency is determined by the filter section. The decision to determine whether it is quiet mainly depends on the air duct design, the case shell, the filter section, and the motor.

Suggestion: Choose air purifier products according to your actual needs. It is not that the more functions the better, the most important thing to consider is the purification ability of the air purifier. If the room is large, you should choose an air purifier with a larger air volume per unit of time. Generally speaking, a larger purifier has a stronger purifying ability. For example, a room of 30 square meters can choose an air purifier of 120 cubic meters per hour.

When it is used after decoration (such as formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, etc. generated by decoration), it is recommended to use it after effective ventilation. And if it has not been used for a long time, first check the cleanliness of the inner wall and the state of the filter, do the corresponding cleaning work, and start it.
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