Water purification industry information

Be cautious when choosing a water purifier

Views : 62350
Update time : 2021-09-24 15:11:07
Over the years, it has been repeatedly reported on the Internet that there is a pollution problem in the tap water of the community, what water has red threadlike worms, what water can actually be ignited, and the water flowing out is colored. There is also the impact of the previous epidemic, which can not help but make people pay more attention to health.

Because of these reasons, water purifiers that can perform deep filtration and purification of water quality have developed extremely fast in recent years, and their popularity has become higher and higher. They have become essential household appliances for many families and have entered many public areas. In different scenarios, we will protect the safety of drinking water for everyone.

However, in the current water purification market, there are a wide variety of products, and there are also inferior products from unscrupulous merchants, so you must be very careful when choosing them. In case of a bad choice, you will choose inferior products. If water purification is not possible, it will pollute the water quality more seriously.

   From this point of view, it is not easy to choose a water purification product of good quality and suitable for you. Therefore, we must learn more when buying and avoid the following water purifiers to avoid being deceived.

   The marked data does not match the actual

Regardless of the product, there are certain product data for the convenience of consumers to buy, and most of the water purifier data consumers like to look at is the flux and waste water ratio, but some water purifiers are filled in casually. Especially for some small assembled brands, the marked data is completely different from the actual product, and there will be a big gap when using it. Therefore, don’t be confused when purchasing. You must understand the strength of the brand, the reputation of the brand, and the product evaluation. The performance of family responsibility.

  The filter element is mixed with defective products
  Everyone knows that the water purifier can purify water only because of the filter element. To what extent the water quality can be purified depends on the filter element inside the water purifier. So have you seen what kind of filter element the filter element of your own water purifier is? The regular brand is not afraid of being pitted by unscrupulous merchants. After opening the filter bottle, it turns out that the so-called filter element is actually filled with stone.

   Ultrafiltration is not the same as a pure water machine

The reason why each type of water purifier is different is related to the filter element. The water purification effect of ultrafiltration machine and pure water machine is different. Although from the appearance, you may not be able to see the difference, but the internal difference It's still huge. Ultrafiltration machines can only filter most of the harmful impurities and retain minerals and trace elements, but the pure water machine is different, it can remove almost all of the harmful substances, and only retain water molecules for users to drink directly. However, in order to stimulate consumer consumption, some unscrupulous businesses will deliberately induce consumers to buy back ultrafiltration machines as pure water machines, and they also feel that this kind of electricity is better without waste water.

In any case, our original intention to buy a water purifier is to ensure the safety of drinking water. If you buy a low-quality water purifier for a cheap price, it is better not to buy it. Therefore, the small partners who want to buy must buy the formal brand from the formal channel. Don't be tempted by low prices.
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